Thursday, February 26, 2015

Trans 100 represented at Asterisk Trans* Conference

Three members of the Trans 100 will be speaking and performing at the Asterisk Trans* Conference. Bamby Salcedo will speak on Friday night after a screening of the film about her life, Trans(visible). Miss Major Griffin-Gracy will speak Saturday, and D'Lo will close the conference with the performance. And don't miss out on Ollie Schminkey's spoken word performance Friday night, for we predict they will be recognized by The Trans 100 sometime soon.

Friday's events are free (7pm @ HUB 302).

On-Site Registration available for Saturday's conference (HUB 3rd Level)

Bamby Salcedo - Trans 100 2013
Miss Major - Trans 100 2013
D'Lo - Trans 100 2014

Ollie Schminkey - a future Trans 100?

Monday, February 23, 2015

Playing dress-up with the most gendered restroom stick people on campus

During Saturday's Asterisk Trans* Conference, the multi-stall restrooms on the 3rd Level of the Highlander Union Building will be converted to All Gender Restrooms and anyone may use them. Yet, the HUB restrooms signage includes two tremendously tall and gendered stick people.

So, you are invited Saturday to gender up the Stick People any way you wish (using blue tape only, please, to fasten artwork or clothing to the signs). Add suits or hats or dresses or beards or unicorn horns or anything else you can imagine. We'll take pictures. And provide the blue tape.

Please note that on Friday, the restrooms are open to the public and will be signed "Women" and "Men." Single-occupancy restrooms are located to the right of the elevators when you face them on both the 3rd and 2nd HUB Levels.

Update: A room will be available during Session 1 for people to craft their dress-up inspirations.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Gender independent Guardian Princess Ten Ten book for sale at conference

Princess Ten Ten & The Dark Skies, featuring the first-ever gender independent princess, will be available for purchase at the Asterisk Trans* Conference. The Guardian Princess Alliance is led by UCR Professor Setsu Shigematsu. The book series now includes four stories, with the latest featuring Princess Ten Ten.

Princess Ten Ten defies the gender norms of her culture; she refuses to wear dresses, has short messy hair, and practices a martial art that has traditionally been exclusively for boys. Because of Princess Ten Ten’s gender non-conformity, she is bullied by other children and even her own father rejects her.
This story reveals how Princess Ten Ten perseveres and becomes a superheroine. She earns the title Guardian of the Skies by tackling the problem of air pollution. While raising awareness about the global impact of fossil fuel dependent economies, this story teaches readers about East Asian cultures. This story brings together Chinese, Japanese, and Korean cultures since they are all part of her mixed-heritage.

Visit the Guardian Princess table at the Asterisk Trans* Conference for the the opportunity to purchase:

  • posters ($1)
  • paperback ($10)
  • hardcover ($20)
  • first 3 books ($20)

Asterisk conference T-shirts are gender awesome

Any extra conference T-shirts will be sold for $10 cash starting noon on Saturday.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Pioneering activist and transgender elder Miss Major on film and in person

Pioneering activist and transgender elder Miss Major is the keynote speaker at the Asterisk Trans* Conference on Saturday, February 28, 2015 at UC Riverside. If you haven't registered, you can do so On-Site. Check out the documentary project about her amazing life, "Major!"

Friday, February 13, 2015

Online Registration closes with 416 people registered to attend

Online Registration closed on February 13 with over 400 people registered to attend the first Asterisk Trans* Conference. They include:

  • People from 50 colleges and universities
  • 60% undergrads, 13% grads, 12% staff, 3% faculty, 14% community members
  • 62% People of Color

On-Site Registation is $20 cash on Friday (2/27) at 6pm and Saturday (2/28) at 9am.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Purchase lgbTRANS Aware T-shirts and support Gamma Rho Lambda

Gamma Rho Lambda of UCR will be selling their stock of "ARE YOU LBGTRANS AWARE?" T-shirts for $10 cash at the Asterisk Trans* Conference. All proceeds support GRL, an all-inclusive sorority.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Workshop Table available as PDF

Download a visual table of workshop times and locations by clicking on the image below.

Workshop schedule includes 22 options

All workshops are scheduled for Saturday, February 28 in the HUB. Click here to read the workshop descriptions.

Session 1 - 11:15am - 12:15pm

·      Gates & Gatekeepers - Closed Space
·      Gender Anxieties: On Risk, Rejection and the Impulse to Regulate
·      Navigating the Kink Community While Being Transgender - Closed Space
·      Trans* AA/PI… Bringing Trans*ness Back Home Closed Space
·      Why I Am Done With "Trans* 101": How To Push Past the Standard Model of Training

Session 2 - 1:45pm - 2:45pm

·      How To Succeed in Campus Change
·      May I Kiss You?: Sexual Communication & Consent
·      Name and Gender Marker Change Clinic - Closed Space
·      Taming the Hulk: Temperance for the Trans*Masculine Journey
·      Trans Media 201 – Beyond the Basics

·      Two Spirits, One Heart: Coming out as a mother to my transgender son

Session 3 - 3:00pm - 4:00pm

·      Designing Transgender Writing Spaces
·      Name and Gender Marker Change Clinic - Closed Space
·      #Ourmovement: Today's Grassroots Fundraising and Organizing
·      Providing Safe and Inclusive Schools for Trans*Gender Students
·      Trans & Queer Resiliency and Poetry - Closed Space
·      TRANSForming Eating Disorder Recovery: Education, Empowerment, Advocacy

Session 4 - 4:15pm - 5:15pm

·      Have You Got Your T?: Working on Improving the Lives of TWOC
·      Health Providers Panel: Accessing Trans-Friendly Health Care
·      Safe Schools for Trans Students
·      T*Camp: A Retreat for Trans* & Gender Questioning College Students
·      Telling Truth: Exploring Personal Narrative in Poetry

Monday, February 9, 2015

Late Registration open online until Friday, February 13, 2015

Late Registration is now open online for the Asterisk Trans* Conference until Friday, February 13, 2015. Rates remain the same, except that conference t-shirts are no longer included with the registration fee. Unclaimed t-shirts will be sold for $10 cash beginning at noon Saturday of the conference.

Over 380 people are registered as of Monday, February 9th.

Registration Rates:

Late Registration Fee
$20 per person

Late UCR Registration Fee
$10 per person

Reduced Registration Fee
$10 per person

Waived Registration
Some scholarships are available for those unable to afford reduced registration.

Steps to Register
  1. Complete the Online Registration Form by February 13, 2015 by clicking here.
  2. Once you submit the registration form, you will be redirected to an optional and anonymous online demographics form. We hope you answer the 6 questions.
  3. If your campus has paid for a Group Registration, you are done. Thanks!
  4. If your campus is not doing a Group Registration, then please download the paper Registration Form by clicking here and mail it immediately with payment to: Nancy Tubbs, UCR LGBTRC, 245 Costo Hall, Riverside, CA 92521. Make the check or money order payable to "Regents, UC."
  5. UCR people can drop off payment and their forms at the LGBT Resource Center in 245 Costo Hall.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Marsha & Aiden Aizumi share their family's story of coming out around gender identity

Offered on Saturday, February 28 to conference attendees:

Two Spirits, One Heart: Coming out as a mother to my transgender son
Marsha Aizumi, PFLAG,
Aiden Aizumi

Often when we hear about LGBT coming out stories, we focus on the person coming out. But the parent of an LGBT person experiences a similar, but in many ways, different coming out story. Marsha Aizumi will share her story as the mother of a transgender man and their resilient mother-son relationship. She will be joined by her son, Aiden.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Bamby Salcedo leads workshop on grassroots organizing & fundraising

Offered on Saturday, February 28 to conference attendees:

#Ourmovement: Today's Grassroots Fundraising and Organizing
Bamby Salcedo, The TransLatin@ Coalition,

Grassroots strategies are important in #ourmovement. Attendees to this workshop will be able to hear and see challenges and opportunities on how to build projects and movements with limited resources in todays landscape. This workshop will also provide a framework for people to be able to fundraise for the work that needs to be done in #ourmovement.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Ollie Schminkey to present writing workshop

Offered on Saturday, February 28 to conference attendees:

Telling Truth: Exploring Personal Narrative in Poetry, a writing workshop
Ollie Schminkey,

Poetry can be an important part of how we process important (and often very difficult) events in our lives, and sharing those poems with an audience can be cathartic for the author, as well as powerful and eye-opening for the audience. In this writing workshop led by Ollie Schminkey, poets of all experience levels are welcome to explore their own truths through writing. Focused on personal narrative, this hands-on workshop will guide writers through the process of writing and sharing vulnerable work, in a variety of styles. Bring a writing utensil, paper, and a good attitude!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Health providers panel to answer your questions about trans health care

Offered on Saturday, February 28 to conference attendees:

Health Providers Panel: Accessing Trans-Friendly Health Care
Dr. Jon Persichino, Riverside County Regional Medical Center private practitioner
Bianca Salvetti, Nurse Practitioner, Children’s Hospital L.A. – Center for Transyouth Health & Development
Félix Vargas, Patient Advocate, St. John’s Well Child & Family Center – Transgender Health Program
Moderated by Toi Thibodeaux, UC Riverside LGBT Resource Center

How can you access trans-friendly medical care and programs specifically knowledgeable regarding hormone replacement therapy? How does access to health insurance impact your options? What documentation, if any, is required to show “medical necessity” when receiving medical care related to transitioning? Join a panel of health providers and learn about some of your health options.

How to succeed in campus change though student-led efforts

Offered on Saturday, February 28 to conference attendees:

How To Succeed In Campus Change
Orion, Cal State Northridge, Gamma Rho Lambda Sorority & CSUN Senator

College and University students can make a difference on their campuses! Learn how to work that inside track on creating a more trans-inclusive environment. This session will give participants an inside perspective on how to create change within student organizations and in the campus administrative realm through student-led efforts.